Merry Christmas from Carbon Visuals and the phytoplankton

A highlight of 2015 for us was creating the Ozone Song for UNEP where we imagined a festive party of phytoplankton celebrating the success of the Montreal Protocol. We thought these ocean dwellers deserved another party as part of our Christmas message.

As well as helping people ‘see’ invisible gases we think it’s important to also reveal other invisibles - like the phytoplankton who account for half of all photosynthetic activity on Earth and are the basis for the vast majority of ocean food webs. 

We imagine they will be having an even bigger party to celebrate the remarkable COP21 conference in Paris where the world agreed to an aspirational maximum warming target of 1.5 degrees C.  Now we just need every citizen on the planet on board…

Thanks to all our clients, partners and supporters for an animated 2015. We look forward to working with you in 2016.

Sorry about the penguin not being to scale - but it is Christmas!

Antony Turner, CEO Carbon Visuals

Click here to see this video on Youtube.